Repair services

Antique American, French and German mantel, cabinet and hanging clocks are my specialty at the moment, with the hope to add cuckoo and grandfather clocks before too long. The services listed are the usual types of repair and maintenance your antique clock will need to ensure good performance year after year.

10 year service

Clock movement is removed from its case, completely disassembled, all parts cleaned, polished, oiled and reassembled.


3 year service

Clock movement is oiled and inspected for wear and damage.



If your clock is not functioning as it should, the movement will be removed from the case to assess possible damage, cleanliness issues and general wear and tear. Recommendations will be offered. Examination cost will be put towards service or repair costs, should the customer wish to proceed with the recommended work.



Holes in the brass plates of a clock can wear, becoming oval, not round, This will affect performance. A correctly placed bushing will restore the arbor to its correct position within the gear train.

$15.00 per hole

Mainspring replacement

The power source of spring driven clocks can wear or weaken over time and may occasionally need replacement. I will replace springs only with high quality, safe-to-use, German manufactured mainsprings. A 10% surcharge on (parts/S&H) costs will be added for time taken to place order.

$50.00 per spring plus cost of spring

Ratchet wheel replacements

The wheel which restrains winding power can become worn or chipped, causing the clock to stop performing, or to be come unsafe to wind. Ratchet wheel failure can damage clock and owners. Wheel diameter is measured to order the correct replacement part. Filing to fit the clock arbor is then needed. A 10% surcharge on (parts/S&H) costs will be added for time taken to place order.

$25.00 per wheel plus cost of wheel

Case cleaning

I can return your enameled wood mantel case, shellac-finished case or hand-rubbed wood case to an aged, but not filthy-looking condition. I offer refinishing of pot-metal gilded and brass features on clocks as well, to the customer's taste.

Price to be negotiated on examination.